Monday, 30 January 2012

Unable to See Move Orders Created by Other Users When Search on Find Move Orders?

To implement the solution, execute the following steps to enable the INV_INVTOMAI_CREATOR function:

A. Define the INV_INVTOMAI_CREATOR function if is does not already exist:
  1. Navigate: System Administrator > Application > Function
  2. Enter Function Name: INV_INVTOMAI_CREATOR
  3. Enter User Function Name: 'Move Orders Creator'
  4. Under the Properties tab, enter Type: Subfunction
  5. Enter Maintenance Mode support: None
  6. Enter Context Dependence: Responsibility
  7. Save
B. Assign the function to the Menu you are using:
  1. Navigate System Administrator > Application > Menu
  2. Query for menu 'INV_MOVE_ORDER'
  3. Add a new line to the menu:
    Prompt: 'Move Order Creator'
    Function: select 'Move Orders Creator' from the LOV
    Description: 'Move Orders Creator'
  4. Save
  You may need to sign out and back in for the change to take affect.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

IO Load In Database

Please Visit

This query will so you the IO Load in the database.

round(100 * total_user_io/total_io,2) tot_io_pct
b.sid sid,
nvl(b.username, username,
sum(value) total_user_io
sys.v_$statname c,
sys.v_$sesstat a,
sys.v_$session b,
sys.v_$bgprocess p
a.statistic#=c.statistic# and
p.paddr (+) = b.paddr and
b.sid=a.sid and in ('physical reads',
'physical writes',
'physical writes direct',
'physical reads direct',
'physical writes direct (lob)',
'physical reads direct (lob)')
group by
b.sid, nvl(b.username,,
sum(value) total_io
sys.v_$statname c,
sys.v_$sesstat a
a.statistic#=c.statistic# and in ('physical reads',
'physical writes',
'physical writes direct',
'physical reads direct',
'physical writes direct (lob)',
'physical reads direct (lob)'))
order by 3 desc;

Friday, 13 January 2012

Root user password is missing or forgot for LINUX

Please Visit

Step 1-Restart the System
Step 2-While System is rebooting press down arrow key. To enter to Grub.
Step 3-Press e to edit mode.
Step 4-Select the Kernel option means the second option from your menu.
Step 5-Press 'e' to enter into edit mode.
Step 6-Type 'INIT 1' at the end of the line and press enter.
Step 7-It will return to the parent menu and press 'b' to reboot the system.
Step 8-It will boot to a prompt where your can change the password of the root.
Step 9-Reboot the system using init 6.

Note:- If you want to edit some file then please run the following command before Reboot
mount -o remount,rw /

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Expense Allocation based on multiple allocation codes to get allocation code wise break-ups in Item cost as well as effect in Final accounting


1. Two or more expense accounts need to populate for expense allocation for Items.

2. Items need to be produced through batch on the particular period.

Step 1 First you need to set up two allocation code and two cost component class. Cost component class should have ‘Expense Allocation’ as Usage, and naming should be same as the allocation code to simplify the breakup in item cost view.

Step 2 Then you need to set up two Expense Allocation Basis (Allocation Definitions). Allocation code will be above two and Allocation Basis will be ‘fixed %’. Now you set same item or items in same organization with required percentage (in case of more than one item) for prepared Allocation definitions.

Step 3 Now need to set Expense to allocate. Prepare that twice with two allocation code and put the above populated accounts on ‘From Account’ and ‘To Account’. Balance type will be ‘Actual’.

Step 4 Run a request from OPM Financial responsibility named ‘OPM Cost Allocation Process’ with respective parameters (here in parameter, Allocation from and Allocation to will be two allocation codes)

Step 5 Now see Item Cost, two expense lines has been generated with the above cost component classes.


To have effect in accounting, in Account Derivation rule (Rule Code: ALC) put the above populated accounts in two lines (at the ‘priorities’ tab).

And in ‘Conditions’ add another line i.e. ‘Cost component class = Constant ‘above cost component classes’)

Now run the cost processes and create accounting in final mode.


Cost component class: OPM Financial-Set up

Allocation code: OPM Financial-Set up-Actual costs-Expense Allocations

Allocation Basis: OPM Financial-Set up-Actual costs-Expense Allocations

Expense to Allocate: OPM Financial-Set up-Actual costs-Expense Allocations

Item Cost: OPM Financial

Account Derivation Rule: OPM Financials-Set up-Subledger Accounting Setups-Accounting Methods Builder.

Monday, 2 January 2012

How to trace user sessions from User Monitor Screen in Oracle Application (R12)and kill the session

Navigate to System Administrator-->  Security --> User --> Monitor
Note the User Name and Oracle Process ID

Now run this sql as 
&PID=Oracle Process ID
&USER_NAME=User Name

SELECT SUBSTR(d.user_name,1,30) "User Name"
             ,      b.sid
             ,      b.serial#
             FROM   v$process a, v$session b, fnd_logins c, fnd_user d
             WHERE =
             AND = &PID
             AND    d.user_name = UPPER('&USER_NAME')
             AND    d.user_id = c.user_id
             AND    a.addr = b.paddr
             AND    c.end_time IS NULL

  Note the SID and SERIAL#     and pass the SID and SERIAL# in next sql within single quote.   
ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION '123, 1234';       --   <'SID, SERIAL#'>