Monday, 30 January 2012

Unable to See Move Orders Created by Other Users When Search on Find Move Orders?

To implement the solution, execute the following steps to enable the INV_INVTOMAI_CREATOR function:

A. Define the INV_INVTOMAI_CREATOR function if is does not already exist:
  1. Navigate: System Administrator > Application > Function
  2. Enter Function Name: INV_INVTOMAI_CREATOR
  3. Enter User Function Name: 'Move Orders Creator'
  4. Under the Properties tab, enter Type: Subfunction
  5. Enter Maintenance Mode support: None
  6. Enter Context Dependence: Responsibility
  7. Save
B. Assign the function to the Menu you are using:
  1. Navigate System Administrator > Application > Menu
  2. Query for menu 'INV_MOVE_ORDER'
  3. Add a new line to the menu:
    Prompt: 'Move Order Creator'
    Function: select 'Move Orders Creator' from the LOV
    Description: 'Move Orders Creator'
  4. Save
  You may need to sign out and back in for the change to take affect.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the share! it worked for me! running Oracle EBS R 12.1.3
