Purchase Order Supervisor Approval Through AME
Purchasing Setup should be complete
in the Organization before setup of the AME Approval.
Employee Supervisor Hierarchy setup
is done for 3 to 4 levels of hierarchy for purchase order approval.
Step 1: Responsibility:
Approval Management Business Analyst
Navigation: Business Analyst Dashboard
Select the Transaction Type as 'Purchase Order Approval'
Select the Setup Button
Step 2: Click on the
Conditions Tab
Create the Condition according to the requirement
Step 3: Select the Action Type Tab
Select the Name as Supervisory Level and if the Ordering Mode as 'Serial' and
Voting Method as 'Serial'
It will move serially
one by one according to supervisor hierarchy.
Select the Name
as Supervisory Level and if the Ordering Mode as 'Parallel' and Voting
Method as 'Consensus'
It will go all supervisors parallelly unless every supervisors approve the document it will not get finally approved
Select the Name
as Supervisory Level and if the Ordering Mode as 'Parallel' and Voting
Method as 'First Responser Wins'.
It will go all
supervisor parallel , it will get approved if any of the approver approves it.
Step 4: Click on the Rules Tab and
create the Rule
Step 5: Responsibility: Purchasing
Super User
Navigation: Purchasing--> Setup--> Purchasing--> Document Type
Select the Approval Transaction Type
as 'PURCHASE_ORDER' and the workflow start process as 'PO AME Approval To Process' for AME Approval.
Step 6:
Responsibility: Purchasing
Super User
Navigation: Purchasing--> Setup--> Purchasing--> Document Style
Click on 'Standard Document Style' update option.
Select the AME Transaction Type as Purchase Order Approval.